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Ms. Bell Interviews Ms. Bell: A “Good Year” in College 招生

(you guessed it) Director of College Counseling, Sonia Bell
做圣. 卢克的 have a good year from a college counseling perspective?
请不要生气,因为我想你从我之前的面试中知道我不喜欢你回答问题的方式. We don’t think of college counseling from a school perspective; it is about the individual student and their family. 因此,即使有一名高年级学生对他们的成绩感到失望,这也不是一个好年头. 当人们走进大学咨询办公室,告诉我们他们听说我们这一年过得很好,而一个失望的学生坐在那里听着赞美和宣传,但却感到非常沮丧时,我感到很不舒服. We will know in December of 2024 whether or not we had a good year. For us, it is not about the list. It is about how our seniors do when they get to college. Don’t forget — we are a college prep school. So ask us in seven months, and we will have your answer. 那个沮丧的高年级学生可能是班里最快乐的一年级学生!

What were the most popular schools that the Class of 2024 will attend? 
As a sports fan, I like sorting things by athletic conferences, so here we go starting with Division I schools. 

Twelve will attend schools in the ACC: 波士顿学院(3名)、维克森林大学(3名)、雪城大学(2名),弗吉尼亚大学、圣母大学、北卡罗来纳大学和杜克大学各有1名. 我把杜克大学排在最后,因为我不喜欢它的建筑,也不喜欢它的运动队. I love brick campuses and teams that beat 杜克大学. 

Seven will attend schools in the Big East: Providence (5) and one each at 康州大学 and Villanova. 其中7人将就读爱国者联盟的学校:高露洁(5人),圣十字学院和巴克内尔学院各1人. 

Six will attend schools in the Ivy League: Harvard (2) and one each at Princeton, 康奈尔大学, Yale, and 潘. 其中5人将进入美国十大名校就读:马里兰州(2人)和印第安纳州各1人, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, and Ohio State. 

Four will attend schools that were part of the PAC 12: 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(第二名),加州大学洛杉矶分校和南加州大学各一所.

Four at schools that were members of the American Athletic Conference: Tulane (2) and one each at SMU and Temple. 

For Division III, six will attend schools in the Centennial Conference: 富兰克林和马歇尔(2)和布林茅尔,狄金森,哈弗福德和葛底斯堡各一个. 其中三人将就读于NESCAC学校:明德学院(Middlebury)和康涅狄格学院(Connecticut College).

Are there any new schools that were added to the list?
是的! I have been at St. 卢克的 for 16 years, and in that time, we have not had a student enroll at Olin College of Engineering, Sewanee, 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本, or San Diego State University. We are excited to hang some new banners in the office.

How was this year different from previous years?
由于申请人数开始趋于稳定,我们并没有看到那么多澳门在线威尼斯官方下载申请人数破纪录的头条新闻, and we are becoming more desensitized to those headlines. 现代汽车美国分公司在过去的3年里,每年都创下了销售纪录, yet that is hardly big news. 我想我们都在试图弄清楚为什么大学申请记录应该占据头版,而其他记录却不应该. 

一些学校的申请人数大幅增加,录取率却有所下降, including Bates, 杜克大学, 费尔菲尔德, 利哈伊, 东北, 潘, 大米, 康州大学, URI, UVA, 和耶鲁大学. 

Were there any surprises?
To be honest, every decision is a surprise. Predictability seems to be at an all-time low. 当我听到那些不是招生官的人向高年级学生保证他们会被某所学院或大学录取时,我真想拔毛. 除非他们申请的是一所符合一定标准的保证录取的学校, there are no guarantees. It is so hard to estimate what will happen from year to year. In 2014, 费尔菲尔德’s acceptance rate was 72%. This year, the acceptance rate dropped to 33%. 

The biggest surprise was how much the waitlist moved this year. There was very little waitlist movement in 2021, 2022 and 2023. But this year, we saw an unusually high number of St. 卢克的 seniors receive offers of admission from the waitlist. 

为什么 do you think there was so much waitlist movement?
I don’t know for sure, 但高校肯定预测今年的收益率会更高, and their predictions were off. 但是,大学可能会因为想要利用候补名单而减少录取. 一些大学受到FAFSA延迟的影响,尽管大多数高选择性的学校使用CSS档案来打包学生. 高校在去年春天设置招生人数时,不可能预测到校园里社会和政治动荡的程度. 这可能影响了一些学校的申请和招生,但对其他学校没有影响. While some students are applying to more schools, we did not see a significant shift in the number of colleges St. 卢克的 seniors applied to. In the past, college admission decisions were tough to predict. 现在大学很难预测哪些申请者会被录取. The tables have somewhat turned. 

Let’s go back to your comment about transferring. 每年有多少学生转学?他们为什么转学? 
It varies from year to year. From the Classes of 2022 and 2023, we have had students transfer to American, Boston University, 棕色(的), 康奈尔大学, 杜克大学, 费尔菲尔德, University of Notre Dame, 纽约大学, 宾夕法尼亚大学, University of Southern California, and Washington University in St. Louis, and a few more. 为什么? Some wanted a larger school, 而另一些人则希望离城市更近,或者想要一所拥有更多学术课程的学校. 几个没有进入他们的“第一选择”学校当他们经历了这个过程,老年人和想给那所学校另一个尝试. 许多人进入了他们的第一志愿学校,却意识到这并不是他们想象的那样. 与我们讨论转学的学生中有一半以上决定留在原来的学校. 最初的几个月并不能很好地反映出学生在接下来的三年半里对学校的满意度. 

As one of the senior deans, I saw the reality that set in on Thursday, 5月23日, 当高年级学生们接受了这是他们在圣. 卢克的. It was clearly a jolt to their systems. Throughout the year, 我看到老年人的父母悲伤地意识到,这是他们最后一次在场边为孩子加油, filming them as they performed on stage, dropping them off for a debate tournament, or having conferences with their teachers and advisors. I want families to enjoy high school. 时间过得很快,一旦孩子们离开了家,你就无法重现那些时光. 我所看到的与大学申请过程相关的焦虑和担忧是不值得的. During this interview, 我用了“稳定”之类的词,就好像我是某个医学专业人士在谈论重症监护室病人的病情一样. 甚至我对“可预测性”这个词的使用也很麻烦,因为这个过程不像股票市场, where one wrong decision could make someone lose their life savings. 这是他们生命中一系列尚未到来的阶段中的另一个阶段. 享受它! 

参见大学咨询主任索尼娅·贝尔的第一次采访 哨兵

“鉴于圣路易斯市的大学咨询实力,我们不需要聘请外部大学顾问. 卢克的.”
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St. 卢克的 School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 路加的人文领导课程建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.